Level up your brand - add extra convincing power

to gain deeper trust from customers, investors and stakeholders

May 19 2012

During the online seminar/wokshop of Jim Collins - Great by Choice - he asked us to write down our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). In preparation of the seminar I did think about my goals again so there was nothing new, but still a dilemma: how to bring the BHAG closer to my earnings within the… During the online seminar/wokshop of Jim Collins - Great by Choice - he asked us to write down our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). In preparation of the seminar I did think about my goals again so there was nothing new, but still a dilemma: how to bring the BHAG closer to my earnings within the… >> lees verder >>

Convincing Brand is a trademark of Sibren Strategy & Design, a branding & design company for Business to Business companies in Finance, Technology and the manufacturing industry

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